A heretic’s guide to modern cosmology

On a clear winter night it is not difficult to look up and get a sense of the vastness of the universe, and our own insignificance in the scheme of things. The first patent application for a telescope from Hans Lippershey was quickly improved on by Galileo Galilei in 1609, who used it to start the train of investigation that has led to humankind estimating the age of the universe, developing concepts of dark matter, dark energy, the big bang, oscilating universe,multi-universes etc. If you’ve ever wondered what are some of the current concepts of modern cosmology, are they real or just fantasy, does the core understanding of cosmology challenge a biblical view of the universe and our part in it, then come to listen to Rev Dr Richard Tweedy give his talk on 20th January 2015.


Richard Tweedy Talk 20 Jan 2015

Richard Tweedy Talk 20 Jan 2015

Long before becoming a curate in Martley near Worcester, the Rev. Dr Richard Tweedy became a Christian while working as a research astronomer at the Kitt Peak Observatory at the University of Arizona.

During the talk he will help us understand how the age of the universe can be measured – and yes, it’s incredibly old. He’ll also pick up some of the key concepts that are making headlines in the Cosmology Community and ‘Popular Science’ press, such as dark matter, dark energy and inflation, why cosmologists are hooked on these concepts, and why Richard thinks they are worth challenging.

He will also talk about alternatives to the Big Bang, e.g. multiverse, oscillating universe, and why he thinks these are wrong.

Finally, Richard will talk about what he thinks are the key points for a Christian.

So Richard’s talk will be informed by his deep appreciation on areas of development of cosmology which latterly has been informed by his deep faith.

We look forward to seeing you on 20th January.

Please download a poster for the talk from Poster Richard Tweedy 20 January 2015 Short or dowlnload a poster with short explanation from Poster Richard Tweedy 20 January 2015 Medium.


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