8 pm Tuesday February 19, 2019 at Lindisfarne House, Barbourne Terrace, Worcester WR1 3JS


Will the human race last forever?

 By Jim Smith, with an introduction by Geoff Pritchard.

We are familiar with the fact that a great many – perhaps even most – animal species are becoming extinct. It has already happened in the past to the dinosaurs and the dodo, and to apes broadly similar to ourselves, such as homo erectus and Neanderthal man. There have sometimes been mass extinctions in which most of the living creatures of the time became extinct. Some say we are living through a mass extinction right now, because of the failure of most animals to compete with humans for food and habitats.

The question many people are beginning to ask is, will the human race itself become extinct? Climate change is as much a threat to humans as to any other living creatures. Several scientists are convinced that the very nature of human beings means they cannot handle responsibly the great technological and destructive power that will soon become available to individuals and small groups. Others warn of the decline in effectiveness of antibiotic medicines.

Many Christians are familiar with the idea presented in the Bible that we or our descendants will see the end of the world. The language of Scripture in this respect is obviously apocalyptic, and it is easy to dismiss the relevant passages as speculative fancy. Certainly it is difficult to see exactly what some of the passages in the book of Revelation mean, or to use them to explain exactly why, or when, or how the human race will be wiped out. But the general idea remains fixed in our consciousness.

This evening’s meeting is not chiefly concerned with offering interpretations of Scripture, but with highlighting some of the practical possibilities, such as the threats presented by environmental change, war, disease and hostile technology. There will be short videos to help in this respect.

We want to offer time for discussion, so do please come along with your own perspectives on this important matter.

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