The Future Of Marriage

Philippa Taylor

Philippa Taylor

It is very common for couples to live together without marrying, at any rate for many years. Some people have suggested that marriage could disappear altogether from the social scene within less than a century. Everyone can point to at least one or two couples they know personally, who appear to be perfectly happy, bringing up families successfully, without ever bothering about a marriage certificate or a service in church. We also know people who have followed the traditional path and subsequently divorced.

Critics have expressed anxiety that the average length of unmarried relationships is considerably shorter than that of traditional marriages, and that the legal position of one partner is often weaker than it should be if the relationship ends. The separation can be as painful in cohabitation as in a divorce, notably for the children, and the pain may last longer for the children even than for their parents.

Most Christians still get married, but they may well be concerned that their fellow citizens are not always sufficiently aware of the advantages of marriage, even for unbelievers. The reasons why Christians in particular should get married, if they are consistent in their beliefs, are also sometimes only vaguely understood. We hope that Philippa Taylor, Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship, who has studied the subject in considerable depth, will be able to throw some light on a highly controversial area of modern life.

All are welcome, and there will be coffee and cake at the end of the talk.

Creation of the Physical Universe: Its Biblical and Scientific Descriptions

Dr Mathew Clark

Dr Mathew Clark

Tuesday 16th February 2016, 8.00 pm at Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbourne Terrace, WR1 3JS.

Dr Clark will discuss the origins of the physical universe as described in the Bible and how this is seen in relation to the creation as interpreted from scientific discovery.  He will consider how believers with scientific backgrounds reconcile the two descriptions and how this is affected by modern scriptural interpretation.

After a career as Pentecostalist Pastor and Academic Tutor in Central and Southern Africa, Dr Clark is now Director of Postgraduate studies at Regent’s Theological College Malvern.

All welcome.  Coffee and cake will be served at the end. You can download a poster for this talk from B & S flyer Dr Mathew Clark Feb 2016

Christianity and the Development of Science – A Historical View


Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 8:00pm, Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbourne Terrace, Worcester, WR1 3JS.

It is sometimes claimed that without Christianity there would have been no modern science. While this view is an exaggeration, intimate links between Christian doctrine and the growth of the empirical sciences were forged during the Industrial Revolution.

Professor John Hedley Brooke

Professor John Hedley Brooke


Prof. Brooke will consider the way in which scientific research has been justified in theological terms and will refer to some of the great names of 17th centuryscience (Boyle, Bacon, Newton …) and to arguments that Christianity provided some of the pre-conditions of an enduring scientific culture.

About Professor John Hedley Brooke

Prof. Brooke is currently Professor of the History of Science at Lancaster University and Visiting Professor in the School of Philosophy, Religious Studies and the History of Science, University of Leeds. A former Editor of the British Journal for the History of Science, he has been President of the British Society for the History of Science and of the Historical Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Assisted Suicide – do hard cases really make poor law?

John Wyatt Talk 3rd Nov 2015

John Wyatt Talk 3rd Nov 2015

The current season of Bible and Science talks continues on Tuesday 3rd November, when our speaker will be Professor John Wyatt, who until recently was Professor of Ethics and Perinatology at University College London, and is also the author of “Matters of Life and Death” (IVP).

His subject is “Assisted Suicide – do hard cases really make poor law?”

There have always been people who have had to struggle with chronic ill-health.  Nowadays, thanks to modern medical science, we live longer than previous generations and degenerative diseases are more prevalent.  It is thought that almost a million British people live with dementia or other debilitating diseases. Still more fear such things might happen to them and some wish to take control of the timing and manner of their death. The call to legalise assisted suicide is back on the political agenda.  Polls suggest that a majority of the public would be in favour of such a change to the law, and religious opposition is seen simply as another example of ingrained conservatism.  Doctors, however, do not want to terminate life and there is also strong opposition from disabled people who fear that a right to die would soon become a duty to die, as has happened in parts of Europe where euthanasia and assisted suicide have become legal. Professor Wyatt will discuss these issues.

For those of you who have attended talks regularly over the last few years, and know that we have frequently met on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, please not that there will NOT be a talk on Tuesday 20th October.  We hope to see you on 3rd November, 8pm at Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbourne Terrace, Worcester WR1 3JS.  Do feel free to forward this email to any friends you think would be interested in coming along too.

Please do down-load and display the following:

Short Poster from the following Poster John_Wyatt_03_Nov_2015 Short

Medium Poster from the following Poster John_Wyatt_03_Nov_2015 Medium
Flyer from following B & S flyer John Wyatt 2015

Science Fiction, The Mythology Of Our Scientific Age

From Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Star Trek, science fiction has probed in books and on screen what it means to be human in an age of scientific knowledge and technological power: will we conquer the universe and translate ourselves to a higher realm of being, or download ourselves to computers, or alternatively be annihilated in nuclear holocaust, ecological disaster, alien invasion or revolt of the intelligent machines we ourselves have created?

Science fiction is the literature of our age, questioning human origins, destiny and our relationship to what is not us, be it the universe, aliens, animals or the mechanical. In a “world without God”, will humans themselves become gods?

Rev Dr Stephen May

Rev Dr Stephen May

Stephen May will present his talk at Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbourne Terrace, Worcester WR1 3JS, on 15th September 2015 starting at 8:00 pm. All welcome, parking, entry and refreshments are free, but we ask for a voluntary donation of £3:00 per person to cover meeting expenses.

Short Summary of Our Speaker:

Rev. Dr. Stephen May, science fiction fan and former Lecturer in Systematic Theology at

Stardust & Ashes Book Cover

Stardust & Ashes Book Cover

the University of Auckland, is author of Stardust and Ashes: Science Fiction in Christian Perspective (1998).

Please do download a pdf flyer for this talk from the following link: B & S flyer Stephen May September 2015

Please do download and print a poster for this talk from this link:Poster Stephen_May_15_Sep_2015 Medium

A Jubilee* World View – Climate and Environmental Choices

Rev Dr Paul Beetham Talk 17 March 2015

Rev Dr Paul Beetham Talk 17 March 2015

How do we keep the lights on without wrecking the planet? Can the world support everybody enjoying our current lifestyle? What effect is our lifestyle having on planet Earth and what are our responsibilities in caring for God’s creation? Continue reading

Reengineering Man – Human Enhancement?

Would you like to be stronger, happier or cleverer? Would you like your children to do well at exams or win cups in athletics championships?  On 17th February Rev Dr Justin Tomkins will explore the thought-provoking subject of Human Enhancement, the concept of using science, medicine and technology not just to make sick people well, but to make already healthy people cleverer, stronger, happier.

Justin Tomkins 17 Feb 2015

Justin Tomkins 17 Feb 2015

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A heretic’s guide to modern cosmology

On a clear winter night it is not difficult to look up and get a sense of the vastness of the universe, and our own insignificance in the scheme of things. The first patent application for a telescope from Hans Lippershey was quickly improved on by Galileo Galilei in 1609, who used it to start the train of investigation that has led to humankind estimating the age of the universe, developing concepts of dark matter, dark energy, the big bang, oscilating universe,multi-universes etc. If you’ve ever wondered what are some of the current concepts of modern cosmology, are they real or just fantasy, does the core understanding of cosmology challenge a biblical view of the universe and our part in it, then come to listen to Rev Dr Richard Tweedy give his talk on 20th January 2015.


Richard Tweedy Talk 20 Jan 2015

Richard Tweedy Talk 20 Jan 2015

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The Myth of Self-Esteem

How do people generally keep up their spirits and their self-esteem? Often by shopping, or “retail therapy”. By choosing the right car or clothes. Sometimes by trying to become rich, or famous. Prof Glynn Harrison of Bristol University, a Christian psychiatrist,  will tell us how psychiatrists have studied self-esteem as a determining factor in modern life, since the concept emerged in the 1960s.
Prof Glynn Harrison Poster, 18 November 2014

Prof Glynn Harrison Poster, 18 November 2014

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Life After Data? My Paradigm Shift

Have you ever said to yourself ‘surely a scientific view of the world prevents you from believing in a loving, creator God’ or ‘If there is a God, I’m sure He’s not interested in my professional life’. Or, as for many scientists, have you asked the big question, ‘Is there evidence for God?’.  If so  then we highly recommend you come along to listen to a talk by Professor Sir Roy Peacock on Tuesday 21st October, at 8.00 pm at Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbourne Terrace, Worcester WR1 3JS.

Poster Roy Peacock 21 October 2014 Short KS

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